Category Archives: DCD

Goodbye’s and Hello’s


I’ve never been a huge user of slide film, but you can’t dispute the joy of looking at a perfectly exposed slide. The colours can have a magic that we don’t often see in prints. The demise of Kodachrome has been well documented this year. Produced since 1935, it was an icon of photography in its own right and beloved of millions of photographers. Paul Simon put it in his own words –


They give us those nice bright colors

They give us the greens of summers

Makes you think all the world’s a sunny day, Oh yeah

I got a Nikon camera

I love to take a photograph

So mama don’t take my Kodachrome away
If you took all the girls I knewWhen I was single

And brought them all together for one night

I know they’d never matchmy sweet imagination

everything looks WORSE in black and white


Some of the photographers we said goodbye to in 2010 were

Henry Miller (c) Peter Gowland

Peter Gowland, March 17th 2010


Demonstrators huddled in a doorway, seeking shelter from high-pressure fire hoses, in Birmingham, Ala., in 1963. (c) Charles Moore

Charles Moore, March 13th 2010


(c) Jim Marshall

Jim Marshall, March 24th 2010


Paul Newman, 1964 © Dennis Hopper

Dennis Hopper, May 29th 2010


John Lennon (c) Brian Duffy

Duffy, May 31st, 2010


Kate Moss (c) Corinne Day

Corinne Day, August 27th 2010


So, with goodbye’s to some of the greats, lets look forward to 2011. Cork Analogue Photographers are welcoming new members (interested? leave a comment below). We are planning on printing and exhibiting the Faces Project, a portraiture project we shot during the Cork Live at the Marquee concerts. We will also hold a version of the Disposable Camera Day – probably along the lines of a Crappy Camera Day (crap camera? check. roll of film? check. day out? check!). So we’ll be out and about

All the best to everyone for 2011, have a happy and healthy New Year. I’m off for a drink now 🙂

– Rory

Disposable Camera Day – a success!!

C c c cold snappers!

Eleven intrepid photographers made their way along slippy icy roads to meet in Cork this morning for Disposable Camera Day 2010. Armed with the cheapest plastickiest cameras we could find, we dispersed around the city snapping as the city came to life. We met again at noon in Boots on Half Moon St, who did a great job in turning around 15 or so films in an hour (some people shot two cameras!)

The day was about getting together and meeting new friends and trying to take a half decent photograph with a half crap camera along the way. Actually, the quality of the prints wasn’t bad at all – hooray for film!

After picking up the film we stopped for an hour in that bar who’s name I can’t remember (across the road from Boots!), and laid our prints across the table for an enjoyable drink and compare and contrast.

Compare and contrast!

Top marks go to Vera and Kate, who made their was out from Clonakilty (wow!), and to Maia who was the youngest snapper at five years old. Hello also to Vincent and Azem who joined us, and some of the old CorkAP crew – Sanda, Ann, Jason, Brian, Padraig and meself.

If you took disposable pictures with some disposable friends today, please post them on the flickr group –


Disposable Fun

– Rory

Still on – Disposable Camera Day!

Bring a disposable friend!

‘Tis chilly, but still no sign of any snow in Cork. DCD 2010 is still set to go on Sunday coming, Dec 5th.

We will be meeting at 10am outside Brown Thomas on St. Patricks St. in Cork city. We will then split and make fantastic creative disposable pictures around the city. We will meet up again for coffee, chat and warmth at noon.

We have made inquiries, and Boots will be able to 1 hour process the cameras on the day. Well, we asked how long it would take them to do 25 cameras (should that many people brave the cold) and they said 3 hours. There may be a few more places that will do 1 hour processing, but with the volume of film sales these days, it’s hard to say. But it would be really cool to compare prints sometime somewhere on the day and see what gems we have!

There’s also a flickr group set up that you can post your DCD images to – It would be great if everyone who takes part in the day could join this group and post some photos. Especially to anyone elsewhere in the world who joins us from there home place!

The post shoot coffee location hasn’t been decided yet, but we will have a decision made when we hook up on Sunday morning.

Hope to see you on Sunday!

– Rory

We would also like to extend the invitation to people who might like to join our group. Cork Analogue Photographers was set up in 2008 by a bunch of people who met at the excellent photography night class in the Crawford College of Art and Design between 2006 to 2008. We have felt our way along this far, and now would love to know if there are film loving photographers based in and around Cork who might like to get involved. We thought that a Disposable Camera Day would be a good way to meet like minded people, have a laugh, and shoot some film 🙂

Disposable Camera Day

Disposable goodness

The first Sunday of each December is Disposable Camera Day (DCD)*.

We’re going to take part this year by having the first CorkAP DCD on Sunday Dec 5th. Plan is to meet outside Brown Thomas on Patrick St. in Cork at 10am armed with a disposable camera. After standing around, complaining about the weather and general chit chat, we’ll split for an hour or so, and wander round taking most excellent disposable pictures of the city. Then at about 11.30am- 12noon we’ll meet up again for coffee and some grub, and discuss the adventure of trying to capture the city in 36 frames through crappy plastic lens. Some creative seeing will be required! Hopefully there’ll be a 1 hour photo open and willing to process the film (we’re making calls to the few 1hr centers left). If there is, then the photos could be collected after lunch and another rendevouz to sit around and discuss the results. I imagine a couple of pints might be consumed during this process!

If this sounds like fun, then why not get involved? We would be flattered if film loving people in Cork would like to join us for the day**. All you need is a disposable camera and some nice cosy duds (it will be December after all!).


Drop a comment below if you think you would like to get involved!


If you’re reading this somewhere outside Cork, then why not join in anyway, and organise a day out where you live with a bunch of disposable friends 🙂

You can also post your favourite images from the day on the Disposable Camera Day 2010 flickr group –

Will try and post more details about the 1hr photo situation and somewhere to have coffee afterwards closer to the date. Hope to see you there!

– Rory

* erm, OK, this is the first Disposable Camera Day. But hereafter it will take place on the first Sunday in December!

** We would also like to extend the invitation to people who might like to join our group. Cork Analogue Photographers was set up in 2008 by a bunch of people who met at the excellent photography night class in the Crawford College of Art and Design between 2006 to 2008. We have felt our way along this far, and now would love to know if there are film loving photographers based in and around Cork who might like to get involved. We thought that a Disposable Camera Day would be a good way to meet like minded people, have a laugh, and shoot some film 🙂