Monthly Archives: July 2010


Truly epic stop animation from Italian artist Blu

Saw this on Glen E. Friedman’s blog

– Rory

Street Style Photography and the Sartorialist

by Miriam King

April 15th, Style Profile Romney Leader , NYC (c) Scott Schuman

May 13th Rolled Shorts NYC (c) Scott Schuman

In the last few years the rise of the internet has allowed street photographers to publish their photos instantly and reach a massive audience though their blogs. Scott Schuman aka The Sartorialist is one of the pioneers of this type of street style blogging. While the focus of Scott’s work is street style and fashion, his photographic style is reminiscent of Sander’s portraits, and he lists Sanders as one of his influences. They both have a similar objective style of photographing people. Both their work is about how people’s identity is expressed by what they wear, whether that is a uniform for a job, a well cut suit, a student wearing a quirky outfit or a fashion editor wearing a beautiful dress.

Oct 6th at Lanvin B&W hat (c) Scott Schuman

The Streetstyle blogging phenomenon has its roots in the Japanese street fashion Fruits magazines of the 90s, but the blogging platform now allowed photographers to publish their photos freely and reach a widespread audience. Scott Schuman started his blog in 2005 after leaving a job in fashion marketing, at first it was simply a hobby but it grew quickly into a fulltime job. Scott has now taken photographs for many major fashion magazines & in 2009 he published a book of his photographs. Thousands of street style blogs have sprung up in cities all over the world in the last 5 years, some are more photographically successful  than others but here are a few I’d recommend.

STOCKHOLM - intersection launch dinner & hornstull, 06/14-15/10 (c) Yvan Rodic

The Facehunter

Photographer Yvan Rodic, based in London but travels all over the world.

Yvan began his blog in 2006 & despite not having had a background in photography he has had his photos published in GQ, Elle & Vogue and is now working as a fulltime streetstyle photographer. He describes his style of photography as “between a pose and a snapshot. I mean it’s natural but a bit posed.” And he cites the photographer Rineke Dijekstra as the inspiration behind the simplicity of his photographic style. He also keeps a visual diary of his travels at

(c) Liisa Jokinen and Sampo Karjalainen


Photographers Liisa Jokinen and Sampo Karjalainen from Helsinki, Finland.

This is one of the longest running street style blogs, the pictures are taken in the streets and clubs of Helsinki from July 2005 onwards. The project is a tribute to Fruits and Street magazines, the pioneers of street fashion photography.

Stil in Berlin

Photographers Mary Scherpe and Dario Natale based in Berlin.

“Stil in Berlin” is an online photography project, published in blog- presenting a selection of contemporary Berlin street style. It was founded in March 2006.

All The Pretty Birds

Photographer Tamu McPherson from Milan.

Humans express their personalities through fashion. There are those who go along with the grain and those whose roots grow outside of the field. Wherever we fall on the fashion spectrum, we are all beautiful creatures. We are all pretty birds.


Photographers Andreas Schjønhaug and Eirik Slyngst, based in Oslo.

The Streethearts is a fashion web site aiming at showing what ordinary, well-dressed people wear in their everyday lives.

(c) Wayne Tippets

StreetStyle Aesthetic

Photographer Wayne Tippets in London.

Streetstyle from the point of view of a reportage photographer.

Vanessa Jackman

Photographer Vanessa Jackman in London.

Vanessa Jackman is an Australian lawyer turned photographer. She says “I take a thousand photographs every day – some in my head, some with my camera; I can’t imagine doing anything else with my life- I am totally and utterly in love with my camera and with the people and things I photograph”.

Fashion Filosofy © 2007-2009

And finally Fashion Filosofy & Dublin Streets get an honorary mention for being Irish!

– Miriam

Totally Dublin – Glen E. Friedman

Glen E. Friedman is opening his exhibition in Dublin tomorrow night, June 8th. This is one exhibition I’d love to go see. In fact with the new Cork to Dublin travel time of about 2.5 hours I’d nearly head up straight after work. Just need to run that past Eilish and the kids …

Totally Dublin magazine ran a bunch of his photographs last week. I’m not familiar with this magazine, but if it’s still on the newsstands grab a copy and take a look. You can see some scans from it on Friedman’s blog, here.

I guess this exhibition opening is part of the Photography Ireland event which is running this week.  Should really be called Photography Dublin, ‘cos there ain’t a hint of it down here in Cork, which is a bit disappointing.

Anyway, if you’re in Dublin then get out and get to a few exhibitions. And if you are a skater, old punk or just music and photography fan,  Glen E. Friedman is one opening night to try to get to.

– Rory